Kjeldahl Apparatus – A Must Have Instrument
The traditional Kjeldahl apparatus for digestion consists in 250-ml flask capacity. Macro Kjeldahl Apparatus started to appear for the volume from 400 – 800 ml, suggested for the samples that have very low amount of nitrogen & handle comparatively big sample size. Smaller version which appeared on the market was micro Kjeldahl, consisting of minor capacity flasks of 30 – 100 ml volume, generally used with the low sample amount. Aluminum heating blocks are planned to accept numerous straight digestion tubes together. They generally accommodate from 6 p to 20, at the same time. In all cases, since Kjeldahl analysis involves the significant corrosive fumes, the suitable attention must be given for the purpose of fume removal. Typically block digesters have single controller which adjusts the temperature of entire block and operating time, that automates & allows the timed ramping throughout the course of digestion. Several governmental & regulating org...