
Showing posts from June, 2017

Thermo Gravimetric Analyzer- a Must have Scientific Equipment

Thermo gravimetric analyzer is an incredible apparatus for measuring the altering weight of a sample as the function of temperature as well as time including a support, a round chamber mounted on support. It also has a weight responsive means that is in the upper chamber having single horizontally disposed limb adapted to get a sample at extremity responsive for measuring the temperature of provided sample. The horizontally disposed arm of Thermo gravimetric analyzer preferably include a member adapted to receive the provided sample at the end and a 2 nd member of similar material linked to another end. The connection being effected by the expansion clip that compensates for any change in the length of the initial member with the changes in temperature.                                      Thermo gravimetric analyzer measures the changes in weight of the sample under the investigation ...

Portable Gas Detector for Harmful Gas Detection

In the restricted/curbed work spaces found in the paper mills, refineries, chemical plants, underground mines, utility passageways, chemical industries, the air may be polluted with the combustible or toxic gases or can suffer from the lack of oxygen. Every day, employees and workers who’re just doing their works can come into the contact with airborne impurities which are harmful or even fatal sometimes. It especially is true of the workers who must enter narrowed spaces to perform their tasks.                                    To protect the workers and employers are important by law to have a way to check the atmospheric air before the entrance and during the entire working time, employees/workers occupy the space. Companies and managers must ensure a safe & healthy workspace to maintain production and to guard their workers. Every person entering the work space should be prepared wi...

Microwave Digestion for Industrial Purpose

The Microwave Digestion system offered by SKZ Industrial represents a masterstroke of engineering. The newly designed Microwave Digestion has Directed Multimode DMC Cavity that provides the best of both multimode and mono mode microwaves. As in a mono mode system, the microwave digestion is directed to the sample, offering highly efficient heating in the small-footprint system. As in a multimode system, more than 1 sample can be easily digested in a single run. Because of the effective turbo cooling process, the unique cooling times as short as ten minutes for a completely loaded 12-position rotor are possible. With the ‘Smart Vent’ technology, Microwave Digestion is the most convenient lab instrument available on the market for multipurpose use. The microwave digestion presented by SKZ Industrial is equipped with the two 1000 Watt magnetrons for total 1900 Watt and making it one of the most powerful microwave digestion systems available for sample preparation. This syste...

Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Thermal Analysis

The procedures of thermal analysis have been extensively accepted in the analytical chemistry. The term “Thermal Analysis” integrates those methods in which some physical parameters of the system are determined. These parameters are then recorded as a purpose of the temperature analysis. Thermal breakdown analysis has been used for regulating the chemical and physical properties of the electronic circuit board, polymers, coals and geological materials. DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry Process) is one of the most preferred thermo-analytical methods. A Differential Scanning Calorimeter measures the heat of the sample. A Differential Scanning Calorimeter measures the heat relative to a reference. The device does all of the above & heats the given sample with a given ramp of linear temperature. Differential Scanning Calorimetry Process is a method in which the alteration in the amount of heat is necessary to increase the sample’ s temperature and the reference are mea...

Refractometer for Readings of Fruit Juices

A  Refractometer  is a fairly inexpensive and essential type of test equipment. It is mainly used by used by winemakers and vineyard managers. The rough and craggy exterior of metal, plastic, and rubber protects the highly polished shiny optical glass, prisms and mirrors which are contained within. When a sample is placed beneath the daylight platter, the winemaker can easily see the percentage reading by looking through the eyepiece monocular & reading the available scale which is seen when a person holds the  refractometer  in the sunlight (natural light). As previously specified,  Refractometer  allow the winemakers and vineyard managers to figure the percentage which is the relative sugar weight of the sample compared to the distilled water of the juice fresh fruits like grapes, litchi, apple etc.. Brix percentage is sometimes referred to as Balling, no need to worry, the terms are substitutable. Depending upon the observed readings, winemaker...

Potentiometric Titrator for Laboratory Assistance

Mechanized and programmed  Potentiometric Titrator  is an indispensable diagnostic instrument for the quality control & chemical analysis. Fischer Karl and Potentiometric titrators are two very significant workshop instruments. All types of potentiometric titrators are compact and are capable of detecting the multiple uniformity points. Automated  Potentiometric Titrator  is useful for the titration types like Argentometric titrations, Acid-base titrations, Redox titrations, Non-aqueous titrations, Complexometric titrations, Precipitation titrations, pH stat titrations, EDTA titrations, Enzymatic titrations, Diazotization titrations, TAN/TBN titrations etc. With these kind of facilities it can work as Redox titrator, acid-base titrator, Argentometric titrator, Complexometric titrator, Precipitation titrator, pH stat titrator, EDTA titrator, Enzymatic titrator, Diazotization titrator, TAN/TBN titrator, and many more. The application industry for that utili...